Millennium Herbal Care Prefunc 解酒饮料,6x60ml
Millennium Herbal Care Prefunc 解酒饮料,6x60ml
(2.5 卢比/毫升)
什么是 PreFUNC?
PreFUNC 支持您身体的自然排毒和肝功能过程,以代谢夜间外出时产生的多余毒素。
按照指示使用时,PreFUNC 可以帮助您避免昨晚放纵的“早晨”效应,并帮助您开始新的一天,感觉良好且功能齐全!
PreFUNC 是经过临床验证的草药提取物、氨基酸、盐和矿物质的独特组合。这些成分针对问题的根源,通过促进代谢过程中必需元素的产生,补充身体分解、代谢和排泄毒素的正常过程。
此外,PreFUNC 含有有效的抗氧化剂来对抗增加的自由基负荷,并含有盐来维持电解质平衡。
Millennium Herbal Care Prefunc 抗宿醉饮料的好处:
• 有助于避免宿醉
• Prefunc 具有肝脏保护和排毒功能
• 它由姜黄素(姜黄提取物)制成,具有许多健康益处
• 它由天然产品制成,因此具有多种额外的健康益处
• PreFUNC 在晚上外出前服用效果最佳。不过,万一你忘记了,你应该在晚上吃一个
使用指南 :
• 在晚上开始时注射 1 次,并在 4 小时后或晚上结束前注射 2 次。
主要成分: 每份含量 % 每日摄入量(基于 2000 卡路里饮食) 能量/卡路里 7.37 Kcal 蛋白质 1.16 g 总碳水化合物 0 g 糖 0 g 脂肪 0 g 钠 20 毫克 1% 钾 15 毫克 <1% 草本输注牛磺酸和混合物提取物:绿茶叶、印度醋栗果、姜黄根茎、咖啡豆、甘草根、珠下珠植物、旱莲草植物、黄连根、Fumitory植物、荜茇果、Boerhavia根、穿心莲植物、印度黄牛茎、生姜根茎,白铅草根其他成分:水,柠檬酸,柠檬酸三钠,蓝莓香料,氯化钠,氯化钾,山梨酸钾,三氯蔗糖,甜菊糖苷
成分 : 每份含量 % 每日摄入量(基于 2000 卡路里饮食) 能量/卡路里 7.37 Kcal 蛋白质 1.16 g 总碳水化合物 0 g 糖 0 g 脂肪 0 g 钠 20 毫克 1% 钾 15 毫克 <1% 草本浸液 牛磺酸及其混合物提取物:绿茶叶,印度醋栗果,姜黄根茎,咖啡豆,甘草根,叶下珠植物,旱莲草植物,胡黄连根,Fumitory植物,荜茇果,Boerhavia根,穿心莲植物,印度青牛胆茎,生姜根茎,白铅草根其他成分:水,柠檬酸,柠檬酸三钠,蓝莓香料,氯化钠,氯化钾,山梨酸钾,三氯蔗糖,甜菊糖苷
SKU : COC131335
制造国 : 印度
包装类型 : 瓶装
包装盒内:6 件
使用频率 : 饮酒前
素食/非素食 : 素食
形式 : 液体
用量 : 用量请参阅包装
MRP(印度卢比):900.00 卢比(包含所有税费)*
营销者:Millennium Herbal Care Limited
Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!
Is it better than the other products in the markets?
It is widely recognized for its high purity, stability, and efficacy, making it a preferred choice in the wellness and skincare industry.
Why is it so costly?
Our product uses premium Japanese Opitac® Glutathione, clinically tested for purity and maximum absorption. The higher price reflects its superior quality, effectiveness, and safety—an investment in your skin and health
Is is safe to use by people below 18 years of age?
We suggest the lukewarm Glutathione 1k to be used by people above the age of 18
When can we start seeing results?
The results may vary depending on your current skin conditions and metabolism but you can see results after 3-4 weeks
How long should I continue the consumption?
As it helps to maintain the glutathione level in ones body, its always suggested to continue the product for a longer period of time to maintain the results.
Are there any side effects if we stop using the product?
There are no side effects but eventually the results will fade away if you stop using the product for a longer time span as everyone's body is not able to naturally maintian the glutathione level
Can breastfeeding mothers consume the Lukewarm Glutathione 1K?
It is not suggested to be used by breastfeeding mothers but one can always conslut a dermatologist and continue with the supplement
How should we store the product?
Always store the product in a cold place away from heat and sunlight
Will it help with acne spot removal?
Yes. It will help you lighten the acne spots and provide brighter skin