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温热特级初榨椰子油,200 毫升:纯净优质营养 - 由内而外

温热特级初榨椰子油,200 毫升:纯净优质营养 - 由内而外


常规价格 Rs. 729.00
常规价格 促销价 Rs. 729.00
促销 售罄
含税费。 结账时计算的运费

(3.64 卢比/毫升)

Lukewarm® 特级初榨椰子油是一种完美无瑕、纯正的长生不老药,源自精心挑选的最好的生椰子奶,为您的整体健康提供卓越的提升,这种油之母(恰如其名!)由由采用传统冷压离心的专业技术,密封热敏感微量营养素,使其成为活力的圣杯。


The lightweight molecular texture qualifies this natural blend as an ideal SOS for skin in crisis, as it deftly breaks down damaging impurities to thoroughly cleanse skin while leaving it comfortably soft and delightfully nourished. Rich in Lauric and Myristic Acids, this all-enveloping balm-to-oil forms a protective, anti-inflammatory veil, while vitamin E encourages cell turnover and helps fortify the skin’s proteins at rest. The Caprylic Acid cloaks your hair in a silky layer of hydration. Whether used as a pre-wash scalp massage treatment or in-between washes to boost the slip of your strands, you can expect enviably strong, glossy, and never-greasy results!
Bursting with phytochemicals and powerful antioxidants, the EVCO survives stomach acid, aids digestion, and promotes a healthy balance of gut bacteria. This drinkable superfood is rich in anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal nutrients. These nutrients preserve the health of cells, promote healthy metabolism, and stabilise blood sugar levels.
As versatile as it is exquisite, this oil can be used for a variety of purposes, including skin moisturising, hair conditioning, cuticle oiling, facial pre-cleansing, belly oiling, baby care, oil-pulling, keto dressing, vegan cookery, and more. Imbued with natural goodness, Lukewarm's Extra Virgin Coconut Oil nourishes your body and soul from the inside out.
The coconut tree is known in Indian literature as ‘Kalpavriksha,’ which means ‘the All-Giving Tree.’
When you consider all of the health advantages of coconut oil (particularly virgin or extra virgin coconut oils, which contain little to no added chemicals), you’ll see why.
Here’s why coconut oil is so good for you:
#A Anti-Bacterial Properties :
Tinea capitis, a fungal infection of the scalp, is uncommon in India, owing to the widespread usage of hair oils in the nation. This isn’t unexpected, given that lauric acid also has antimicrobial (bacteria-fighting) properties.
Coconut oil also protects us from Candida Albicans-caused yeast infections because of its antibacterial qualities.
In reality, coconut oil can protect against a well-known pathogen (Staphylococcus Aureus), which causes everything from skin infections to severe diseases (including meningitis and pneumonia).
Coconut oil is often used as mouthwash in a procedure known as oil pulling because of its antimicrobial qualities. It improves dental health and lowers bad breath by eliminating some of the dangerous bacteria in the mouth.
#B Beneficial For Hair And Skin :
Coconut oil contains a lot of lauric acid, which is a kind of fatty acid. Coconut oil can enter human hair due to the molecular nature of lauric acid.
Coconut oil can thus preserve the proteins in our hair strands, making it an excellent conditioner. Coconut oil has even been shown in tests to enhance the skin’s hydration and oil level.
Coconut oil also helps protect our skin and hair from sun damage by blocking 20 % of the sun’s UV radiation.
#C Lessens The Risk Factor Associated With Diabetes And Heart Health :
Coconuts may be helpful in reducing the risk factors for heart disease and type 2 diabetes, according to growing research. Obesity, high LDL (bad) cholesterol, insulin resistance, and hypertension are all risk factors.
Coconut oil has also been found to help with brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and epilepsy.
Despite all of these amazing advantages, coconut oil is still a saturated fat at the end of the day. While saturated fats are beneficial in moderate amounts (about 13 gm per day), excessive intake can be harmful.
Apply it as often as you’d like, but keep it in mind that coconut oil should be consumed in moderation.
#D Excellent Heat Resistance :
Because of their low heat tolerance, oils heavy in polyunsaturated fats (such as flaxseed oil) are not the ideal for cooking. Saturated fats have a high smoke point and do not quickly go rancid. Coconut oil has a saturated fat level of 90%, which is even greater than ghee, making it one of the greatest cooking oils.
#E Aids In Weight Loss :
Medium chain fatty acids are found in coconut oil. They are absorbed immediately from the gut and sent to the liver, where they are rapidly converted to energy.
They supply us with more energy than other longer fatty acids due to this very simple procedure. This may assist with weight reduction by reducing hunger. Coconut oil has even been shown to be beneficial in decreasing abdominal (belly) fat in two small-scale trials!
Nutrition is bio-individual. A food’s effectiveness will be defined by the unique requirements of your body. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.




使用指南 :
• 作为洁面乳:取少量温热的特级初榨椰子油于手中,在手掌之间摩擦直至变成液体,然后将其涂抹在整个面部。让它吸收,然后用温热的湿布擦拭脸部。
• 作为卸妆剂:取少许Lukewrm 特级初榨椰子油于掌心,轻轻涂抹于皮肤上。充分卸妆后,用温水洗脸并拍干。
• 作为面部油:取一勺温热的油于掌心。将手掌相互摩擦,使油均匀分布,然后涂抹在脸上。
• 作为身体保湿霜:将精油倒入手中,涂抹均匀以滋润肌肤。
• 作为眼部护理油:取一茶匙室温椰子油,涂抹在眼睛下方的区域。每只眼睛按摩 30 秒。让椰子油完全被皮肤吸收。
• 作为护发素:洗发并调理头发后,在头发上涂抹少许椰子油,以保护头发在梳头时免受损坏。
• 作为热油:将 1 汤匙至 1/4 杯椰子油加入碗中,使其摸起来温热。在将其用于头皮之前,应先在手腕上测试少量油,以确保其安全。适量涂抹于干燥或湿润、干净的头发上。
• 作为发膜:温热特级初榨椰子油并将其涂在干燥的头发上。放置 30 分钟或过夜。
• 作为口腔护理:将约 1 汤匙油放入口中。用油漱口约 15-20 分钟。吐掉油,然后刷牙。
• 作为身体按摩:轻轻按摩整个面部和身体。 15 分钟后,用温和的肥皂或沐浴露洗掉。
• 作为角质层油:以打圈方式将温热的特级初榨椰子油涂在角质层上,以增加夜间水分。
• 作为干剃须油:只需在淋浴时将油涂抹在双腿上,然后照常剃须即可。椰子油在皮肤和刀片之间充当保护泡沫,可防止剃刀灼伤和皮肤刺激。
• 作为婴儿油:在洗澡前或洗澡后不久将温热的特级初榨椰子油涂在婴儿的皮肤上。它有助于治疗尿布疹。
• 腹部涂油:将温热的 EVCO 倒在肚脐上。以打圈方式按摩5-10分钟。为了获得最佳效果,请每天睡前或沐浴后涂抹。
• 烹饪和食用:无需加热直接食用效果最佳。建议直接食用沙拉酱,与dosa/idli podi等食物混合以获得浓郁的味道。适合低至中火烹饪。


退货政策:7 天换货且不退货
皮肤功效 : 保湿、面部预清洁、腹部油、滋养、舒缓肌肤
特点:100% 素食,无动物实验
皮肤问题 : 皮肤干燥
制造国 : 印度
包装类型 : 瓶装
包装盒内:1 瓶
皮肤类型 : 所有皮肤类型
应用领域 : 身体、头发
素食/非素食 : 素食
形式 : 油


MRP(印度卢比):729.00 卢比(包含所有税费)*
制造商名称:Arikkat Trades and Exports
制造商地址 : Moonnupeedika, Thrissur, Kerala, 680681, India








温热特级初榨椰子油 (EVCO) 的著名功效包括强化和滋润头发。由于其丰富的成分可促进水合作用并防止断裂,因此可以深度调理发丝。经常使用可以帮助打造更坚韧、更有光泽、更健康的头发







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  • 提取过程


  • 对健康的益处


  • 抗氧化剂含量


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Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Ashok vaishnav
Coconut oil

perfect for all hair types

Ashish singh
Really it's too good

The product is so nice.

Jasmeet Singh
Reliable as always

Very cheap price & too good product

kartar singh
coconut oil

Excellent I love it

Joseph Msa Guite
Awzm product.. recommend to buy

Such a good shampoo